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Webhook Details

This page contains a complete list of available Branch webhooks, with descriptions and examples.

Account Verified as Worker

This webhook is triggered when a Branch user is verified as a worker on an organization's roster. Routing and account number will return null if the user's wallet has not yet been created.


"event_id": "123124-23412-123-124",
"client_type": "ORGANIZATION",
"client_id": "100000",
"data": {
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"employee_id": "123",
"account_number": "1234567891234567",
"routing_number": "084106768",
"email_address": "",
"phone_number": "5551234567"

Account Review

This webhook is triggered when a user has been flagged for manual review.


"event": "ACCOUNT_REVIEW",
"event_id": "123124-23412-123-124",
"client_type": "ORGANIZATION",
"client_id": "100000",
"data": {
"employee_id": "123",
"onboarding_link": ""

Advance Adjustment

This webhook is triggered when an adjustment is made to an advance to a worker.


"event_id": "123124-23412-123-124",
"client_type": "ORGANIZATION",
"client_id": "100000",
"data": {
"adjustment_amount": 641,
"advance_id": "18d99mn3bvf78094",
"employee_id": "123",
"original_outstanding_amount": 99,
"outstanding_amount": 444,
"timestamp": "2023-12-30T15:40:32-08:00",
"type": "tp_pull"

Advance Claimed

This webhook is triggered when a worker claims an advance.


"event_id": "123124-23412-123-124",
"client_type": "ORGANIZATION",
"client_id": "100000",
"data": {
"advance_id": "123456",
"amount": 12345,
"employee_id": "123",
"timestamp": "2023-12-30T15:40:32-08:00"

Card Activated

This webhook is triggered when a user activates their card.


"event": "CARD_ACTIVATED",
"event_id": "123124-23412-123-124",
"client_type": "ORGANIZATION",
"client_id": "100000",
"data": {
"employee_id": "123",
"marqeta_card_token": "Acme_1099_Physical",
"card_product": "Acme_1099",
"card_type": "[PHYSICAL, VIRTUAL, UNKNOWN]",
"time_emitted": "T15:40:32-08:00"

Card Deactivated

This webhook is triggered when a user deactivates their card.


"event_id": "123124-23412-123-124",
"client_type": "ORGANIZATION",
"client_id": "100000",
"data": {
"employee_id": "123",
"marqeta_card_token": "Acme_1099_Virtual",
"card_product": "Acme_1099",
"card_type": "[PHYSICAL, VIRTUAL, UNKNOWN]",
"reason_code": "USER_REQUESTED",
"time_emitted": "T15:40:32-08:00"

Invoice Created

This webhook is triggered when an invoice is created.


"event_id": "69a9d1ab-b646-4b69-8f45-49b6ac617282",
"client_type": "ORGANIZATION",
"client_id": "100000",
"data": {
"id": 399742129664,
"amount": 12456,
"description": "Invoice created for John Doe",
"filename": "j_doe_invoice_11",
"due_date": "01-01-2024"

Invoice Overdue

This webhook is triggered when an invoice is overdue.


"event_id": "69a9d1ab-b646-4b69-8f45-49b6ac617282",
"client_type": "ORGANIZATION",
"client_id": "100000",
"data": {
"id": 399742129664,
"amount": 12456,
"description": "Invoice not paid by due date",
"due_date": "01-01-2024"

Invoice Transfer Initiated

This webhook is triggered when an invoice transfer is initiated.


"event_id": "69a9d1ab-b646-4b69-8f45-49b6ac617282",
"client_type": "ORGANIZATION",
"client_id": "100000",
"data": {
"invoice_id": 399742129664,
"amount": 12345,
"description": "Invoice transfer for John Doe"

KYC Fallback Failed

This webhook is triggered when KYC fallback ID upload verification has failed. This means that the user is not payable through Branch.


"event_id": "69a9d1ab-b646-4b69-8f45-49b6ac617282",
"client_type": "ORGANIZATION",
"client_id": "100000",
"data": {
"employee_id": "123"


Organization Initialized Account Claimed

This webhook is triggered when an organization's initialized account is claimed.


"event_id": "69a9d1ab-b646-4b69-8f45-49b6ac617282",
"client_type": "ORGANIZATION",
"client_id": "100000",
"data": {
"employee_id": "123"

Organization Initialized Account Claimed

This webhook is triggered when an organization's initialized account is created.


"event_id": "69a9d1ab-b646-4b69-8f45-49b6ac617282",
"client_type": "ORGANIZATION",
"client_id": "100000",
"data": {
"employee_id": "123",
"account_number": "123456789",
"routing_number": "084106768",
"onboarding_link": ""

Wallet Created

This webhook is triggered when the user passes KYC and a wallet is created.


"event": "WALLET_CREATED",
"event_id": "69a9d1ab-b646-4b69-8f45-49b6ac617282",
"client_type": "ORGANIZATION",
"client_id": "100000",
"data": {
"employee_id": "123",
"account_number": "1234567891234567",
"routing_number": "084106768",
"onboarding_link": ""

Wallet Claimed

This webhook is triggered when a user downloads the application and claims a pre-initialized account.


"event": "WALLET_CLAIMED",
"event_id": "69a9d1ab-b646-4b69-8f45-49b6ac617282",
"client_type": "ORGANIZATION",
"client_id": "100000",
"data": {
"employee_id": "123"

Wallet Activated

When a worker's identity is verified a wallet is created, but is not usable until the user passes additional KYC checks. When those KYC checks pass, this event is triggered.


"event_id": "69a9d1ab-b646-4b69-8f45-49b6ac617282",
"client_type": "ORGANIZATION",
"client_id": "100000",
"data": {
"employee_id": "123",
"account_number": "1234567891234567",
"routing_number": "084106768",
"onboarding_link": "",
"is_claimed": false

is_claimed = false: Initial onboarding after passing KYC checks.

is_claimed = true: Reclaiming of a previously created and claimed wallet.


Wallet Deactivated

Anytime a worker's wallet gets deactivated, this event is triggered.

This could be due to Branch confirming the user as a fraud user, or the user requesting that their account be closed.


"event_id": "69a9d1ab-b646-4b69-8f45-49b6ac617282",
"client_type": "ORGANIZATION",
"client_id": "100000",
"data": {
"employee_id": "123",
"account_number": "1234567891234567",
"routing_number": "084106768",
"reason_code": "USER_REQUESTED",
"reason": "Worker Resigned",
"is_claimed": true

is_claimed = false: The wallet was not created after failed Branch fraud checks.

is_claimed = true: A wallet that was created and claimed is now being deactivated.


Wallet Closed

This webhook is triggered when a wallet is closed. The worker is reset and can onboard again.


"event": "WALLET_CLOSED",
"event_id": "69a9d1ab-b646-4b69-8f45-49b6ac617282",
"client_type": "ORGANIZATION",
"client_id": "100000",
"data": {
"employee_id": "123",
"account_number": "123456789",
"routing_number": "987654321"